Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happiness without Sugar or Carbs?

Are you feeling sad about giving up foods?

Yesterday at lunch I realized something.  It's hard for some people to give up food they love because they feel eating brings them happiness. I was one of those people. I thought having the freedom to eat whatever I wanted was bliss.  After years of restrictive dieting and following a host of food rules that felt like punishment, I wanted the freedom to eat what ever I wanted, when ever I wanted. It made me happy. Well, it made me happy for the moment.  Later, when I felt terrible, I regretted it. The mistake I was making then, and that I understand now, is that food doesn't being me happiness.  Food is meant for nutrition and should be enjoyable, but when the emotional investment in food is too high that signals bigger issues.  Mine were wrapped around my childhood and ways I had learned to cope with my dysfunctional family.  Food became much more to me, it was connected with my emotional  survival. After all, they call it comfort food for a reason!

Since I began following a AIP lifestyle and the amino acid therapy things have changed.  I have a new perspective on food and happiness.  Food has it's place - it's fuel and medicine for healing my body and bringing me vitality.  I enjoy it in a new way, with a healthier appreciation.  I enjoy cooking more, and I am interested in preparing tasty, appealing meals.  It feels like a gift to my body. That is quite a change. My happiness on the other hand, comes from feeling at peace and healthy, and for once in my life it comes from feeling comfortable in my own skin. That's better than the taste of any food in the world. 

This week I read an article written by Jonathan Robinson, the author of Find Happiness Now.  He shared the top ten quickest ways to boost your happiness.  I thought I would share them with you.  There are plenty of ways to find happiness that don't include pizza and donuts!

  1. Do an act of kindness for a stranger or friend.
  2. Play a song your really enjoy and sing along.
  3. Spend time with a beloved pet, child, and/or nature environment.
  4. Do a 90-second heart medication that consists of taking deep breath and imagining exhaling out the center of your chest.
  5. Tune into the power of appreciation.
  6. Work towards an important goal.
  7. Get cooler. When we go from hot to cooler our mood and sense of happiness goes up.
  8. Give someone money.
  9. Exercise, even it is for three minutes.
  10. Look at pictures of people and animals you love on your smartphone or computer.

Why not practice finding happiness somewhere besides food today.  You might be surprised what you've been missing. 

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