Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 15 - Halfway There!!

Food Report and Check-In

Great food day!!

Breakfast:  Yummy chicken sausage with sweet potato and banana patties.

Lunch: AIP Friendly Rainbow Wraps and jicama "fries". (See recipe below)

Dinner: Outback Steak House - prime rib, baked sweet potato and salad.

Check-In:  Today was my birthday.  It is the first time that I have spent it with my granddaughters so it was a pretty wonderful day.  It was also Father's Day so we were having a combo celebration.  I am feeling pretty great and it seems like everyone else is too.  No complaining or crankiness.  Everyone is getting up and moving around early, which is not the normal state around here on the weekends. I can see the changes in Elisha and Chris, I wonder if they can see it too.  It is amazing what healthy eating can do and how the changes start happening so quickly.  We are just 15 days in and I know they are both feeling so much better.  Me too.  My energy level and stamina have improved.

Speaking of that.  Yesterday we went to a Mariners baseball game in Seattle.  The game started at 7:10pm and I had been going since early morning.  I'd taken my oldest granddaughter out shopping for a elementary school graduation dress, shoe shopping and out to lunch.  Then after lunch we went shopping with Elisha and then home for dinner.  After dinner we headed to Seattle.  We parked a couple of blocks from the stadium on the third floor of a parking garage, and our seats were on the third floor.  We walked, climbed steps, and then had to do it in reverse on the way back to the car.  Not once during the entire day did my knees bother me, I had no aches or pains or back problems. I was never out of breath.  I had energy through out the day and night -we didn't get home to nearly midnight. Eighteen months ago I could hardly walk because of arthritis in my knees, every step was painful.  I felt tired, sick and weak most of the time.  I was living with achey bones and constant pain because of my undiagnosed parathyroid tumor.  It's hard to believe that is all gone.  Most of it happening since starting AIP in January.  Last night was such a great remember of why I am following this program.

 Congratulations to everyone who is doing this Challenge.  No matter what day you are on give yourself a pat on the back for choosing your health!  I'm so proud of you!


For lunch I used two recipes from Dianne Sanfilippo’s book 21 Day Sugar Detox.  It is a good Paleo book and program for detoxing from sugar and carbs and also has tons of great recipes with AIP  modification.  I experimented with her recipes, added some ingredients and incorporated them into one dish.  Here is my version:

AIP Friendly Rainbow Wraps

8 large collard greens
1/2 lb of sliced turkey 
1/2 lb slices ham
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup shredded golden beets
1 cup shredded zucchini
1/2 cup purple cabbage
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 cup Avocado Aioli 

Make the Avocado Aioli (recipe below).  Shred and slice all ingredients.  Wash the collard greens and pat dry with a paper towel.  Cut the stems out and overlap the leaf.  Spread some Avocado Aioli on the leaf, cover with sliced turkey and/or ham.  Layer the carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage and green onions in a thin layer.  Start at the bottom  and roll upward.  Cut in half and serve with jicama sticks. 

Avocado Aioli

1 ripe avocado
1 grated glove of garlic
2 tablespoon olive oil
juice of one lemon
1/4 c grated cucumber or zucchini
1 teaspoon fresh dill chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Put all ingredient into a small food processor and blend until creamy.  Use as a topping for fish or meat, also use for salad dressing or mayo replacement.

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