Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 20 Report - Histamine Awakening

Histamines are about more than just seasonal allergies.

The last few days have been very interesting.  Having a histamine reaction to food that then set-off a strep throat virus was something I could never imagine.  I’ve never had strep throat before, but what I realized was I’ve had food related histamine reactions most of my life.  I just didn’t know what they were. Somehow I just thought histamines were something to do with seasonal allergies. However, since I have been stuck in bed trying to recover for the last several days, it’s given me plenty of time to contemplate the situation.

First, I am grateful that I’ve been following the autoimmune protocol for nearly five months, and especially grateful that I’m doing this Whole30.  Because of eating so clean I was able to experience a food reaction without any doubt. When I first went AIP I wondered how I would know if I had a reaction.  I was totally disconnected from my body. Now I hear it loud and clear and that is a thing of beauty.  Having the histamine reaction was eye opening.  Having it along with strep throat - pretty awful! But a bounty of clues that are getting me closer to vibrant health! Yes, I’m working towards vibrant health!

Secondly, understanding that the reactions I’ve had to foods throughout my life have been related to histamines is invaluable.  I never really understood how it was related to food or histamines until this happened to me.  But once I started doing some research I clearly saw a pattern.  Many of the foods on the “avoid” list are foods I’ve had issues with - either intestinal or digestive and they were usually fermented. Others, like alcohol, especially wine, makes me get flushed, immediately. It’s been embarrassing at times. I’ve also been dealing with Rosacea for years and now I think it may be related.  Recently, doing some food re-entry tests I’ve found that I am sensitive to eggs and shrimp.  Both having high histamine levels. It seems to be the common denominator. 

Finding this link is helpful to me in fine tuning my protocol so that it suits my body. Yes, it means that I have to add things to the “avoid” list, which seems to be getting pretty long!  But, I am willing to do that if it is going to help me.  I’ve done far crazier things, that were far less healthy.  Like Optifast. A shake based plan that I followed for three months, no food what so ever! Or, the Master Cleanse - lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 12 days-nothing else.  And there are more, but you get my point. This is different, it is about healing my body from the inside out and it starts with the food.  Finding the right foods that fit my unique body and having it functioning in harmony is my goal.  Thanks to this freak experience I am just a little bit closer. 

Thanks to all of you for your get well wishes and prayers.  It was a rough few days, but it was so good to know there was a kind, loving, supportive community out there holding me up!  You guys are awesome! So happy to be on the other side!

Are you ready for the 10 day count down?

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