Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 23

Food Report and Check-In

Food Report

Breakfast: Cantaloupe
Lunch: grass feed, organic beef cooked with onions served on mixed greens
Dinner: Maggiano's Chopped Salad

Check-In:  My last full day in Bellevue.  I've been here since May 23.  That's a long time.  When I first came it seemed like June 24 was so far away, now here it is upon me.  It has been a wonderful time.  I've enjoyed spending so much time with my granddaughters, getting to bond with Chris on a deeper level and connecting with Elisha in her everyday life. It's been super busy with end of school year activities and I feel so grateful to have been able to be a part of it all.  We had a fun and hectic weekend at The Great Wolf Lodge, a Girl Scout outing to a parrot sanctuary, a 9th birthday celebration, a school concert,  Young Author's Day, a women's Sounders game, a Mariners game, Bella's soccer games,  Zoe's swim meets, and an elementary school graduation.  Plus I got to meet Judi from our group in person!  I  also visited my niece and saw my nephew Karl who I haven't seen in 15 years.  Memories I will cherish.

The idea of doing a Whole30 while I was here came about on a layover at the San Jose airport on my way to Bellevue.  Elisha wanted to do a detox and was investigating programs and I was looking for something for them to do too. I really wanted them to try the AIP.  Unbeknownst to either of us we were both looking at the Whole30 plan nearly at the same time. I texted her from San Jose - my laptop open to the Whole30 page. I asked what she was doing and she texted "reading about the Whole30." Kismet! Once I arrived we hatched a plan and I decided to start the Facebook Group to give us added motivation.  I was hoping maybe 10-12 people might join is.  Boy was I surprised when nearly 40 people joined within minutes and over the next week over 200 had agreed to participate!  It was so exciting and such an affirmation of support.

Now, here it is Day 23! The time has gone by so fast. All three of us are feeling better and I know Chris and Elisha are feeling different - they even look different.  The detox is over and they have moved into the high energy phase.  There has been no sitting around, vegging out around here!  However, things have changed since I got sick. That sort of began a derailing of the plan here at the Mitchell's.  I'm not sure they will fully recuperate, but I think they got a taste of feeling good and that's all that matters. Once you start feeling better it's hard to go back to eating the old way and especially how it makes your body feel.  For me, I'm in this for the long haul.  They may be thinking I'm a little fanatical, but I have a dis-ease to put into remission!  Thankfully I am back on solid ground and ready to face the next phase of my healing and begin the process of learning about histamine intolerance (HIT). Plus I am going to kick this Whole 30's butt! Only 7 days to go.

Today is an excellent day!  I am sitting at the park watching my granddaughters play with their friends. The weather is beautiful.  School was out today and it's their first day of summer.  You can smell it in the air!  What a joy it is to be part of this passage.  There's something about the first day of summer break - filled with an overwhelming sensation of freedom and a big dose of anticipation of the fun ahead. I'm going to take the spirit of this day home with me.   

Tomorrow will be a day in the air with a huge change of climate at the final destination.  My desert life awaits. So long beautiful Washington! But, I'm ready.  Ready to get back into my own normal routine and cook in my own kitchen again.  First stop after the airport will be the grocery store.

Onward to Day 24 . . . . 

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