Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 13

Food Report and Check-In

Lots of good food today!

Breakfast: Sliced ham, sausage ball, sliced plum and peppermint tea.

Lunch: Salmon grilled with dill and coconut oil, greens, zucchini noodles, lemon juice and olive oil drizzle. Kombucha to drink.

Dinner: Crock pot ham hocks with all kinds of veggies --carrots, celery, onion, cabbage, and parsnips. We served it with a fruit plate and lemon coco-roos. (A new recipe I developed that I will share with you soon.) The ham-hocks and veggies cooked all day and it turned into stew.  The flavor was so good!  We had enough to package up leftovers for two lunches next week. (BTW - the Dinner picture isn't my plate - it was a pic of the table.)

Check-In: Chris and I did meal planning today for the next few days.  We are getting pretty good at this.  We sit down at the table with cookbooks, a laptop, and a notebook.  We start planning, first we check the refrigerator and freezer to see what we have, then we begin looking things up on the internet, checking the Pinterest Board, and brainstorming ideas.  Chris starts a shopping list and within a few minutes we have breakfast, lunch and dinner planned out for at least 4-5 days.  At the same time we put the meals into  It's a free online calendar and planning system.  If you haven't checked it out, you should.  It has a section for meals and recipes. It even has a shopping list feature. We fill in three meals each day and it posts in the calendar.  Everyone in the family is connected to it, so all they have to do is check the calendar to see the meals and who's responsible for cooking.  I'm still trying to figure out all the ways to use it, but so far I am impressed and will definitely use it when I go home.  We found some new recipes to use for the week and even came up with a few of our own that we're going to experiment with.  Today my granddaughter and I made the Lemon Coco-roos - she loves coconut and I thought it would be good to teach her how to make a healthy snack. Chris thought I should try making basil-avocado aioli for topping fish, so I'll try that out this weekend. He's making a meatball and faux-noodle dish. After we fine tune some of our ideas I'll share them with you. The best part of meal planning is that Chris does all the grocery shopping.  He is really good at it!  Plus he came home and put it all alway, too. How can I get this service at home . . .? 

It's been a long, busy week, everyone's feeling tired tonight. Although tired, spirits seem good and all the grumpiness is over.  We are having conversations about gut health, digestion, micro-nutriants and way to many conversations about poop. But, it's awareness.  That's part of the Whole30, learning to pay attention to your body and what it's doing.  Since we are eating so healthy and so clean it is far easier to be aware of how our systems are working.  It pretty awesome really!

How are you connecting with your body?  Have you noticed anything new?

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