Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 30 Celebration

Time to Do the Happy Dance!

We've made it 30 days!  What a journey it has been.  For many of us it is the just the beginning.  Many of us are continuing on the AIP plan.  Others are going to modify, add back foods and/or go Paleo.  What ever you do, this was a great start!  I encourage you to stay in our group for support and encouragement what ever you decide to do.

The good news. I added up the amounts of weight people reported losing so far and the total is
171 pounds! 
That's right, in 30 days together we have combined weight loss of 171lbs.  Plus, there are people who are waiting to report their weight loss after completing Day 30.  So, that total is going to increase.  I am so proud of all of you!  That is a lot of weight.  I am sure the total is much higher, but I can only count what has been reported. So if you haven't reported, please let me know!

Many of us lost weight, but more importably people are reporting having more energy, less pain and feeling better overall.  Some people have not had as good of result, but I think that it may take more time.  Don't give up, it takes some bodies longer to heal.  Remember that changing your eating habits is not something you do for 30 or 60 days, it is a total lifestyle change.  A new way of relating to food. I know there have been many people who went off the program and ate "regular" food.  The consensus of those folks seems to be it wasn't worth it.  Most of them reported feeling terrible and having immediate negative effects.  That should teach us all something!  Food can be medicine or poison.

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”  ― Ann Wigmore  

I'm looking forward to moving forward with you all and continuing our weight loss and healing.  Yesterday I announced that I have started a new website called Whole Life AIP and beginning  tomorrow I will be blogging there as well as changing the name of our Facebook Group.  But it is still the same place for support, encouragement and motivation. Thank you for all your participation in this June Challenge.  Now, lets's keep the momentum going!

Congrats to everyone!  I'm so happy you are part of this group!

In the spirit of vibrant health,

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