Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 17 & Day 18

Food Report and Check-In

Not much to eat during the last 48 hours . . 

Food: coconut and peach smoothie, half of a baked sweet potato and a few bites of rice (not AIP)

Check-in: The last 48 hours has been sort of a blur of fever, pain, sleep, hot showers and going to the toilet.  I can't remember a time that I have felt so sick.  I finally decided that I had to go to the doctor because I was not getting better and I really had no idea what was going on.  Chris took me to Urgent Care and thankfully it wasn't too crowded and I was seen right away.  The doc was nice, understanding, and concerned. After talking with me and checking me out she did a few tests and it turns out I did have a histamine related food reaction, but I also have strep throat.  She said the histamine reaction probably sparked the strep virus - a "perfect storm". Most likely I was exposed to it by being around all the kids lately.  If I hadn't had the histamine reaction my body probably would have been able to fight it off. But when I did, it just set off an environment that let the strep virus flourish and it was a double whammy.  I went from feeling great to terrible in less than an hour.  Once the strep flared up then I got the fever, sore throat and all the other symptoms. 

Needless to say my AIP eating has been off.  I have no appetite, and actually no hunger.  The food reaction is still firmly intrenched in my mind and body, and honestly I am not sure what to eat.  Since my throat it so sore I can hardly swallow I made food choices based on that. The doc told me to eat while rice because it is easy to digest. And since my digestive system is still reeling from 3 days of diarrhea I thought it might be a good idea.  However, I could only eat a few spoonfuls.  

They gave me an injection of penicillin at Urgent Care and I have begun to feel it kicking in.  My throat is less sore and my fever has subsided.  The body aches are much less too.  That is part of the histamine reaction, so I am hopeful that it is settling down as well.  I know I needed to have the anti-biotic, however I know it will kill all bacteria, good and bad.  That is a set-back for my healing my gut. But there is nothing I can do about that but keep moving forward.  Right now, I'm just focused on feeling normal again.

Hoping Day 19 I can get out of bed!

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