Friday, May 30, 2014

Weigh, Measure and Write: The Power of Journaling

Get out your journal . . .

One of the Guidelines for the Whole30 AIP Challenge is to get a journal and do the following:
  1. Write a list of your symptoms.
  2. Write a short descriptions of how you are feeling today.
  3. Write a short description of how you want to feel
  4. Weigh yourself and write it down.
  5. Measure yourself (the big three- chest/bust, waist, hips)
  6. Use your journal during the 30 days to chronicle your journey.

If you are hesitating doing this step, STOP! Go find a journal, get your pen and just do it! I’m going to tell you why.

  1.   Write a list of your symptoms.

Even though you are painfully aware of how terrible you are feeling right now, the memory fades as the days unfold and you begin to feel better.  Having this list to look back on in 30 days, when you feel like a new person, will be a great reminder of why you don’t want to celebrate completing the Whole30 with a glass of wine or bowl of ice cream. Make the list as long as possible.  Write down every little thing that is bothering you, every issue, ache and pain.  Don’t forget the mental and emotional stuff too!

2. Write a short description of how you are feeling today.

Sit for a minute and think about it. Check in with your body and really pay attention to how you feel.  Write it down.  Start with - "Today I feel . . . . "

The reason for doing this? See #1.  You have decided to take part in this Challenge to change something in your life.  My guess is it isn’t because you are feeling fantastic.

3.  Write a short description of how you want to feel.

Now, this is more fun.  Again, sit for a few minutes and think about how you want to feel.  Imagine yourself vibrant and healthy.  What would that feel like?  What would you be doing? What would your outlook on life be like?  Think big and don’t hold back.  If you can imagine where you are headed, you’re half way there!  This description is the heart of your motivation to do the work ahead.

4.  Weigh yourself and write it down.

A lot of us are doing this because we want to lose weight.  Is it the only reason we signed up for the Whole30 AIP Challenge. No.  Is it important. Yes. Is it a measure of our success? Sometimes.  But, it’s not the biggest measure of success.  The real measure of success is in how you are feeling, how your body responds and even how your clothes fit.  Your success is not a number.  Your success can be measured in mornings when you wake up without pain.  When you can tie your shoes without cutting off circulation.  When you can play with your kids on the floor, or at the park.  When you can make it through the day without feeling exhausted and grouchy.  There are so many more important things a a number on the scale!

I know there are probably many of you that are addicted to the scale.  Yes, I know you’re out there.  We have been conditioned by the diet industry and life long habits of dieting to use the “weigh-in” as the marker of our success.  Others even determine their value based on some arbitrary number on some outdated weight chart.  Many people remember the events of their lives by how much they weighed at the time.  I know I’ve done that.  We have become obsessed with it.  But, not in this Challenge!

You will ONLY weight two times during the challenge.  On Day 1 and on Day 30.  Put the scale in the garage or in a closet. Seriously!  Get it out of your house. It is time to start paying attention to your body.  Learning to listen to your body’s signals is a skill many of us have lost.  Or, we have only heard it cry out in pain.  Healing requires we attune ourselves with our whole being and it begins my paying attention!  Dump the scale, forget the number and connect with the amazing, miraculous wisdom of your body! NOTE: If you don’t want to weigh yourself that is perfectly okay - it is not necessary at all.

5.  Measure yourself.

This is another means of measuring your progress and can be helpful if you are an anti-scale person.  This is not required, but could help you see your progress over the long haul. 

6.  Use your journal during the 30 days to chronicle your journey.

Your journal can be a powerful tool.  I encourage you to keep a daily record of this 30 days journey and write about your transformation.  The first few days or week may be difficult as your body detoxes from sugar, caffeine and other junk.  Emotions and feeling may come up and a private journal is the perfect place to let these feelings out.  Don’t underestimate the power of purging your feeling or dumping your frustrations. It is also a great place to write your success stories too!  I can’t emphasis enough how valuable this can be.  Journaling is a simple, free and meaningful addition to your healing process.  

Only one day left until we begin.  So get to it!!

In the spirit of living healthy and happy,

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